Posts in creating culture
315. The Path to WELLthy Living, a conversation with Nathalie O’Donald

Today’s guest is Nathalie O’Donald, a remarkable woman whose passion to empower others led her to create the Wellthy Mom blog. She believes that “wellthy” starts within and is reflected in intentional choices that foster well-being in every area of life.

Our conversation covers a lot of ground, from motherhood to entrepreneurship, self-care, and personal growth. She explains that motherhood was never meant to put a period in your life, but rather a comma. Mothers aren’t supposed to be martyrs, but instead examples of how to live a good and fulfilling life. Nathalie’s words remind us that we are called to walk the talk, because our kids will emulate what we do more than what we say.

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312. The power of radical empathy, a conversation with Bryan Saint-Louis

Bryan Saint-Louis is a speaker and leadership coach who is on a mission to help adults empower today’s youth through radical empathy. Our conversation explores the challenges any adult faces in cultivating meaningful connection with the youth in their life, along with practical strategies for nurturing empathy through everyday actions and conversations. He explains that it’s never too late to create a supportive and understanding environment where children feel seen, heard, and valued. By giving them choices and a voice, we can empower today’s kiddos.

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310. Wee Wellness Wednesday: Unplugging for a Summer Refresh - Let's Do A Digital Detox

With the shift into summer, it’s important to get back to the basics of creating a wellness routine. Today we’re talking about what a digital detox can do for you, from the reasons behind it to the steps you’ll need to take to make it happen. It might be easier than you think, and the benefits of reconnecting with the world around you can have a lasting impact on you, as well as your kids.

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230. Why you should think tiny, featuring BJ Fogg

Why is it so hard to create good habits? We think that if we can find enough motivation and discipline, we should be able to accomplish our goals. The problem? We think we have to go big or go home—and so we set ourselves up for failure.

B.J. Fogg, a behavior scientist at Stanford, explains why tiny habits are the key to changing your life. It comes down to creating triggers based on existing behaviors. We have the power to reprogram our brains one small positive step at a time—whether it’s doing daily push ups, or finding our calm in the midst of difficult parenting.

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229. It's a matter of life and death, featuring Dr. Chelsea Shields

As July wraps up, let’s take a moment to honor Social Wellness Month. Your personal well-being and connection network is important for not only your health, but the health of your family. Scientists are finding that the strength of your community can have powerful effects not only on your health, but can also influence your biology, lengthen your life, and improve your overall well-being.

Dr. Chelsea Shields, a biosocial anthropologist, will explain social wellness in detail, and why it’s crucial that you take daily steps toward community and relationships. She shares three simple tips to move toward healthy social wellness.

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228. From overwhelm to the life you love, an interview with K. Domiana Ndour

Even with a 4-month baby in her arms during our interview, K. Domiana Ndour emanates an authentic and grounding presence. She’s not only a wife and mom of three, but also a retired pro basketball player, two-time best-selling author, somatic healer, coach, international speaker, certified yoga instructor and educator. She’s on a mission to equip busy moms like you and me with the tools to self-heal and regulate emotions, all while breaking the cycle of burnout and overwhelm. This is definitely an episode you won’t want to miss!

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227. Refuse to die an unlived life, featuring Les Brown

Most parenting advice is all about how to get your kid to follow your rules and your schedule. But the real secret to parenting that most people won’t tell you? Work on yourself. Of course, that’s much easier said than done, because introspection is tough to fit on your to-do list amid parenting, working, cooking, cleaning, and all the things that life requires.

Renowned motivational speaker Les Brown shares that you have greatness inside of you, and taking the time to understand what you really want and the impact you want to make is of first importance. Listen as he gives a few tips on how to upgrade your life in big ways.

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226. 30 minutes is all you need to change your life, featuring Dr. Wendy Suzuki

When the weight of the world is too much, too heavy, too chaotic, you can make some simple changes to be the calm in the storm—and exercise is one of those tools.

Dr. Wendy Suzuki, a professor of neuroscience and psychology and dean at NYU, breaks down how exercise has both immediate and long-term effects on your mood and body, and how these effects alter and protect your brain. And the best part?? Getting this exercise might be simpler than you think.

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225. The blueprint for relationships, featuring Philippa Perry

Recently I noticed myself trying to tame my child’s complaining by teaching a big lesson on gratitude. Anyone relate to this? Now of course teaching gratitude is important, but not at the cost of shutting down communication about honest feelings and potentially damaging our relationship.

Today’s throwback episode (Episode 168) is truly the Cliffs Notes on how to be a parent, and how to cultivate healthy relationships with your kiddos. Philippa Perry is a psychotherapist and author who is passionate about helping parents navigate their own past in order to change their patterns of parent-child dynamics. She explains how to be authentic, why we need to define ourselves and our own needs to our kids, and how to build a positive blueprint for every future relationship they will have.

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224. The Power of One More, featuring Ed Mylett

Do you ever feel out of alignment, helpless from trying to carry the weight of the world, and wondering if what you do makes a difference? As parents, we can’t fix the whole world for our kids—but we can start small and take just one step at a time. Today’s talk by Ed Mylett will inspire you to keep going one more day, to keep showing up for your kids to prove to them that they matter.

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223. Real leadership creates a boom, featuring Simon T. Bailey

As parents, we rely on our kids’ schools every day to help them thrive. But the truth is that it starts with the culture we create at home. We have the opportunity to provide an environment of energy, action, momentum, hope and possibility. When kids know they have an adult in their corner who believes in them, they will do better.

Today Simon T. Bailey shares how we can be the catalyst to help our kids view their education as something special, to create a vision of possibility that is often desperately lacking in our school systems. You are the first, and most influential, teacher in your child’s life—so use that opportunity to inspire them to a greater future.

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