Posts in Confidence
237. There is so much more to come, a reflection on 3 years of PG-ish and why you should pursue your dreams!

As I reflect on this journey, I remember all the time spent to scheme, dream, curate, pivot, launch, fail, and keep going. I started this podcast after huge changes in my family life, and I knew I needed to challenge myself to find (and share) resources to grow myself as a person and a mama. I believe reflection is important to remember how far you’ve come, and how much more is still to come—and it’s the little victories that keep you going and need to be celebrated. So today I’m here to share that taking risks is worth it, celebrating small wins is important, and pursuing life and love whole-heartedly is what fills you and me.

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236. Ready or not, kids take their cue from you, featuring Madeline Levine

Do you ever lose sight of the end game? Sometimes as parents, we focus on the short game—grades, extracurricular activities, and how to fix things immediately for our kids. But does that actually serve them well as they grow into adulthood?

Dr. Madeline Levine, a psychologist with 40 years experience, explains that kids don’t need us to fix everything. They actually need adaptability, mental agility, curiosity, collaboration, tolerance for failure, resilience and optimism. And how do they learn those skills? By watching how we handle life and how we trust them to handle it well too.

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230. Why you should think tiny, featuring BJ Fogg

Why is it so hard to create good habits? We think that if we can find enough motivation and discipline, we should be able to accomplish our goals. The problem? We think we have to go big or go home—and so we set ourselves up for failure.

B.J. Fogg, a behavior scientist at Stanford, explains why tiny habits are the key to changing your life. It comes down to creating triggers based on existing behaviors. We have the power to reprogram our brains one small positive step at a time—whether it’s doing daily push ups, or finding our calm in the midst of difficult parenting.

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228. From overwhelm to the life you love, an interview with K. Domiana Ndour

Even with a 4-month baby in her arms during our interview, K. Domiana Ndour emanates an authentic and grounding presence. She’s not only a wife and mom of three, but also a retired pro basketball player, two-time best-selling author, somatic healer, coach, international speaker, certified yoga instructor and educator. She’s on a mission to equip busy moms like you and me with the tools to self-heal and regulate emotions, all while breaking the cycle of burnout and overwhelm. This is definitely an episode you won’t want to miss!

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226. 30 minutes is all you need to change your life, featuring Dr. Wendy Suzuki

When the weight of the world is too much, too heavy, too chaotic, you can make some simple changes to be the calm in the storm—and exercise is one of those tools.

Dr. Wendy Suzuki, a professor of neuroscience and psychology and dean at NYU, breaks down how exercise has both immediate and long-term effects on your mood and body, and how these effects alter and protect your brain. And the best part?? Getting this exercise might be simpler than you think.

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224. The Power of One More, featuring Ed Mylett

Do you ever feel out of alignment, helpless from trying to carry the weight of the world, and wondering if what you do makes a difference? As parents, we can’t fix the whole world for our kids—but we can start small and take just one step at a time. Today’s talk by Ed Mylett will inspire you to keep going one more day, to keep showing up for your kids to prove to them that they matter.

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223. Real leadership creates a boom, featuring Simon T. Bailey

As parents, we rely on our kids’ schools every day to help them thrive. But the truth is that it starts with the culture we create at home. We have the opportunity to provide an environment of energy, action, momentum, hope and possibility. When kids know they have an adult in their corner who believes in them, they will do better.

Today Simon T. Bailey shares how we can be the catalyst to help our kids view their education as something special, to create a vision of possibility that is often desperately lacking in our school systems. You are the first, and most influential, teacher in your child’s life—so use that opportunity to inspire them to a greater future.

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219. The most responsible thing you can do, featuring Lisa Nichols

If you don’t honor yourself with love, how do you expect to teach others how to love you? If you’re disconnected from your body and heart, robotically moving through your day—hiding behind screens and scanning your to-do list to feel productive—it’s time to reset.

Lisa Nichols is a motivational speaker who rose from being a struggling single mom on public assistance to a millionaire entrepreneur. Her courage and determination is inspiring, while her love and zest for life will empower you to impact the world with your voice and your story.

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213. Stress is contagious but so is calm, featuring Ned Johsnon

For parents, there are always anxieties looming on the horizon, constant concerns about our kids’ futures—and we feel the pressure of needing to fix all of it. But what would happen if we took a different approach? What if instead of trying to control everything, we gave our kids autonomy and simply walked calmly beside them? The ideas that Ned Johnson presents today could be transformative in helping us truly nurture and enjoy our kids, and giving them the tools they need to grow into a confident adult.

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