Give Yourself Grace

Give Yourself Grace

Sale Price:$39.00 Original Price:$79.00

As a mom, life can be exhausting, and we’re being challenged now more than ever before. If only we could ease your stress by waving a magic wand to make it all go away… but a magic wand would only wind up in a junk drawer!

However, we can give you access to Rachel and Amanda of Grace in the Race. These two entrepreneurial moms are on a mission to streamline the family workload and reduce daily chaos with grace, so that you have more time to enjoy your life and your kids!

Rachel and Amanda will help you find solutions for mom-life including:

  • Systematically approaching your days, weeks, months and beyond with grace,

  • Improving your productivity by working smarter, not harder, and

  • Gaining clarity through awareness, wellness, personal growth, home and family.

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