Posts in parenting
223. Real leadership creates a boom, featuring Simon T. Bailey

As parents, we rely on our kids’ schools every day to help them thrive. But the truth is that it starts with the culture we create at home. We have the opportunity to provide an environment of energy, action, momentum, hope and possibility. When kids know they have an adult in their corner who believes in them, they will do better.

Today Simon T. Bailey shares how we can be the catalyst to help our kids view their education as something special, to create a vision of possibility that is often desperately lacking in our school systems. You are the first, and most influential, teacher in your child’s life—so use that opportunity to inspire them to a greater future.

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221. Happiness is a choice, featuring Connie Podesta

As parents, there are so many things we want to teach our kids. We want them to be happy, but the truth is that we can’t teach that to them—we can only model it ourselves. Happiness begins with the parent. Today, award-winning author, speaker, and therapist Connie Podesta shares some truth about becoming a happy role model, and why (regardless of what is happening in our lives) happiness is a daily choice we have to make.

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220. Their life depends on you

Today I’m sharing something that’s heavy on my heart this week—an interaction I had with a child (who isn’t mine) that broke my heart and reminded me of my mission to support and encourage other parents on this journey. We all know there’s no guidebook for parenting. So when the tough moments pop up, we can easily feel lost.

What I keep realizing is that at the end of the day, it all comes down to connection. Humans need other humans, and our kids need us to come down to their level and truly connect by spending time together. Don’t we all just want to be seen and loved where we are? Finding time to first fill our own cup so that we can pour into our kids is a daily struggle—but it’s a cause worth fighting for. No matter how many imperfect tries it takes, just keep showing up.

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217. Of birthdays and Mother's Day, a love note

If you’ve been listening for a while, you may know that my motto as a parent is to be worthy of emulating. You’re a mirror, and your kiddo is going to reflect what you put out, good or bad. We don’t need perfection—simply conscious effort. As this week marks both my birthday and Mother’s Day, I’ve been thinking about what those celebrations really mean, and I decided I should share another piece of my own journey as a mom and how I continue to learn to become the person I want my own daughters to be.

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