Hey! I’m Erin
I’m a corporate marketing manager by day and podcast host by night, living room dance connoisseur and dark chocolate fanatic. However, my most important role is being a mom to two beautiful daughters.
It’s my mission is to inspire and empower parents, like you, to evaluate their values and priorities to live their best lives. Let's face it, your kids are always observing and learning from the adults in their lives. PG-ish is all about providing parenting guidance-ish to create a life worthy of admiration and emulation.
If you're a mom who's looking for support, advice, or just a place to vent - basically a cliffs notes to adulthood - then this is the place for you. Welcome!
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The PG-ish Podcast
#24 out of 50
on podcast magazine’s 2022 list of Top Moms in Podcasting

Today’s kids.
Tomorrow’s traditions.
Family traditions help kids feel connected, safe, and seen in their family. You don’t have to wait for a holiday, go old-school, or, spend a bunch of money. Our Connection Guide shares not ten, but TWELVE easy and no-cost ways to create fun, feel good traditions without the stress and headache.
Plus, our weekend waffle recipe is included. So either way — there’s food involved!